Physgun Utils - Docs


Not getting the [Physgun] Bootstrapping message?

Getting Help

Read this documention carefuly to understand the options

AntiExploit Configuration

| Key | Default | Type | Explanation | | ----------- | ----------- | | ----------- | | ----------- | |BanTime|0|Number|Set’s the ban time for any triggered punishments| |BanTrigger|false|Boolean|Bans users for triggering any antiexploit protections if set to true| |Kicktrigger|true|Boolean|Kicks users for triggering any antiexploit protections if set to true| |BypassNetmessages|[“example”]|Array|A list of netmessages set to be ignored by all checks.| |ChokeCount|80|Number|The max net messages a player can send within ResetTime’s limit. It’s recomended to tune this for your server| |Enabled|true|Boolean|Enables the module| |LogFails|true|Boolean|Logs all fails in the server console| |NetLogger|true|Boolean|Logs every netmessage and the total time the Lua VM took to process the netmessage. Useful for optimization or tracking down exploits| |ResetTime|1000|Number|The time in ms that netmessages are stored for monitoring the ChokeCount| |TrainingMode|true|Boolean|Disables all punishments, good to figure out a safe choke limit to avoid false positives|